The European Union Law Implementation

  • Abstract:

    The integration model followed in the construction of the European Union (EU) understands the action of its institutions, which develop competences and lines of action along legislative, decision-making and sanctioning paths. All the procedures involved result in drawing up documents. Public documents through publication in the official journal or in the press; only available in the electronic address or in the EU’s own publications, only accessible to interested parties or to the general public, and is in the interest of citizens, academics or institutions. Different levels of access are therefore created. The European Union is a union of common values and is based on the values of democracy, the defense of human rights and the rule of law and, as such, with a strong component of creation and respect for legal norms. The chosen topic here is the effective application of EU rules as an important strand for European citizens that affects their daily lives. To know about the European Union law implementation procedures. The problem is not always the absence of EU legislation, but rather the fact that this legislation is not always applied effectively. The implementation and enforcement of EU law is a challenge that requires greater emphasis on implementation in order to serve the general interest. The aim of this analysis is to demonstrate that, as the Member States are primarily responsible for the implementation of EU legislation, there is still a way forward in the efficiency of European law enforcement procedures. Considering the embryonic nature of this study, a methodology was designed that focuses on the use of the sources of European Union law, through systematic and methodologically selected normative and jurisprudential interpretation.