Our Aims

our vision
  • Resulted from academic cooperation, interaction and networking, Euroacademia draws from a wide range of experiences of research and project implementation. It aims to bring together the widest network of researchers, academics and professionals working on Europe-related issues.

    As a non-profit organization, Euroacademia targets all direct and indirect funds obtained towards building future cooperative networks and events that will strengthen academic interaction.

    The strategy of Euroacademia is based on organic and gradual growth in order to become an established name for academics, researchers and professionals.

    The staff of Euroacademia is highly trained and experienced in organizing conferences and other academic events. In a 5 years term, Euroacademia’s strategy is to implement some of the best quality academic events on self-managed and/or cooperation based framework in Europe and to become a vibrant name for European studies dissemination platforms.

    Euroacademia aims to foster academic mobility in Europe and to act as a platform for internationalization of research.

    Euroacademia fosters access to direct experiences of Europe through mobility projects and international events that effectively immerses the researches within the European diversity and its rich cultural heritage.