Euroacademia Conferences
Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers (9th Edition) April 24 - 25, 2020
Identities and Identifications: Politicized Uses of Collective Identities (9th Edition) June 12 - 13, 2020
8th Forum of Critical Studies: Asking Big Questions Again January 24 - 25, 2020
Re-Inventing Eastern Europe (7th Edition) December 13 - 14, 2019
The European Union and the Politicization of Europe (8th Edition) October 25 - 26, 2019
Identities and Identifications: Politicized Uses of Collective Identities (8th Edition) June 28 - 29, 2019
The European Union and the Politicization of Europe (7th Edition) January 25 - 26, 2019
7th Forum of Critical Studies: Asking Big Questions Again November 23 - 24, 2018
Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeanness Exposed to Plural Observers (8th Edition) September 28 - 30, 2018
Identities and Identifications: Politicized Uses of Collective Identities (7th Edition) June 14 - 15, 2018
EU – U.S. Counter-terrorist Cooperation and the Impact of Disputed Cases as the U.S. – EU SWIFT Accord, Passenger Name Record (PNR) Data and EU – U.S. Agreements
Presentation speakers
- Klára Medunová, Metropolitan University, Prague, Czech Republic
Event thought, it has been several years since 9/11 or attacks in London and Madrid, the terrorism and the fight against it has become an integral part of security policies. According to the fact that terrorist tactics are developing all the time, moving from one states to other, the international organized crime and the negative impacts of globalizations are also developing, the strategies of states how to fight with these threats also need to evolve as well. Thus, countering the terrorism is the work in progress and states in order to fight effectively need to cooperate with each other. The terrorist attacks in 9/11 shocked the whole world. Not even the citizens of the USA lost their feelings of security, also the EU citizens felt insecure. Therefore, counterterrorism and the strategy how to fight against terror became an integral part of the EU’s relations with third countries and trans-Atlantic cooperation became a key component of this strategy. “With the US, close cooperation exists in areas ranging from the financing of terrorism to the protection of transport and borders. Ground-breaking agreements have been concluded on mutual legal assistance and extradition. US authorities are working increasingly closely with Europol and Eurojust.” It is evident that the cooperation especially after 9/11 was very intensive. Nevertheless, there are some disputed cases regarding the different approaches of the EU and the U.S. toward their establishment of counterterrorist policies. Thus, my presentation is going to analyze disputed cases, which divided these sides on “us” and “them”. These different approaches toward security conceptions evoked debates about values and principles of EU and the USA. The European and the U.S. visions about security became disparate. How were the negotiations and proceedings, which have brought the particular agreements, going? Which principles and values were acceptable for both sides and which were too much disparate? How both sides understood the rights for privacy and the question about how to ensure security? Is the USA still from Mars and Europe from Venus? To these and other questions, the presentation will tend to answer.
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