Groupuscular Identification In Informational Network of Estonian Far Right

  • Abstract:

    Our presentation focuses on processes of identification in hypermedia – the informational space that is paying more and more significant role in articulating individual and collective identities. We would like to explicate the strategies of self-description that prevail on the websites of the activists of Estonian far right. Roger Griffin has elaborated a concept of groupuscule in order to explain diffuse far right movements of cyber-culture. Our main critique is connected with the technological determinism that is characteristic to Griffin´s explanations but also to other scholars. It is quite widespread that the technological qualities of hypermedia (non-hierarchical, decentralized organization; potential for user created content, horizontal communication, grass-root activism; easy accessibility etc) are attributed, in more or less one-to-one manner, to groupuscular signification processes and meaning creation itself. Our main contribution would be the complementation of the concept of groupuscule with the ideas of Tartu-Moscow school of cultural semiotics. By the essential theoretical frameworks of cultural semiotics – autocommunication and core/periphery – we would like to demonstrate the communication of different units of groupucsular network and the formation of temporary inter- and intra-groupuscular hierarchies. Our case-study is based on extraordinarily forceful public feedback that followed when Estonian government was discussing the ratification-project of ACTA (Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement).