Revision of the Initial Assumptions and the Historical Choices the Field of EU Foreign Policy

    • IMG_3648
    • Presentation speakers
      • Dunja Duic, Department of European Law, Faculty of Law in Osijek, Croatia


    There is always emphasis on the importance of the development of the European Economic Community together with EURATOM in the historical revision of the EU. However, development of the foreign policy in the times of economic communities (European political cooperation) and the foreign policy of the EU (CFSP) is not always in the focus, especially among legal scholars. It is the author’s opinion that we must consider relationship between law and politics to be a two-system relation in which the legal system is embedded within the wider context of the political order. If we take this approach we can interdisciplinary analyse the development of the EU foreign policy aspect and make a conclusion about the importance of the foreign policy development for the EU and EU law in general. This article aims to revise the historical choices in the field of the EU foreign policy and to answer did /or how did the EU foreign policy development contribute to the EU today.