Politicization and Crises of European Integration: For a Re-Politicization of the European Union

  • Abstract:

    Since the late 1980s, the European integration process if facing a growing politicization that also challenges its very theoretical bases as envisaged by neo-functionalism and the liberal-intergovernmentalism. According the authors, Liesbeth Hooghes and Gary Marks, such politicization reflects a post-functionalist moment in the European integration process. Our paper seeks to assess Hooghes and Mark’s thesis through two case studies: the Euro crisis and the migrant crisis. In conclusion, our paper argues that the negative impact of such politicization has been over-estimated by Hooghes and Marks while its positive impact has been under-estimated. In other words, the possibility of a re-politicization of the EU integration project. The condition, however, to capitalize on its positive impact lies in the need for the EU to change its approach, from technocratic one to what we call a more pragmatist one.