The Notion Of European Cinema: Nesting The Otherness
Presentation speakers
- Nevena Dakovic, University of Arts
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The concern of this paper is to analyse the construction and representation of Europe through the notion of the European Cinema offering the survey of its multiperspective and encompassing definitions. The notions of the European Cinema- understood as the exponent of the European (Cultural) identity – derive from twofold process. First, it is constant recognition of other in relation to which its own identity is defined. The othering is both internal (maintained between European cinemas) and external (maintained between European and non European cinemas). Number of national cinemas in dense interaction chart their relations and positions, among other things through constant othering and ”nesting” of the otherness. The European Cinema is discovered as the floating signifier for the coalescence and harmonisation of the various national cinemas based upon political premises (EU membership) or after the chosen cultural identity model (German or French). Second, the paper tends to explore the notion in permanent de/reconstruction and changes that develop through diverse intercultural dialogues (between other) becoming visible in film narratives but also in (co)production, distribution, censorship. Cinema established as integral part of national (cultural) identity functions on the level of redefining the European identity/Europeaness that follows the motto United Through Common Values, Enriched by Cultural Diversity.